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A Time-Tracking Prototype Designed To Keep You Focused

Asiko Clock, Interval Timer,

Designer Chuma Asuzu’s Asiko interval timer helps you ditch distractions and stay on task

By Joseph Cicerone

As a concept, the Asiko interval timer emerged during the pandemic when Toronto-based designer Chuma Asuzu found himself craving a balance between work and wellness. Frustrated by the distractions of modern technology, he sought a simple solution to track intervals during activities like walking and focused work. “I was going for a lot of walks during this time and needed to find a way to pace myself while unplugging from my phone,” he says. “I quickly learned that what I was doing was interval training, and that there was a need for a device that could help people like me stay on track.”

Asuzu set out to design a timer that would aid users in improving productivity without the distractions that come with a smartphone. In the Asiko interval timer, the result is a product of simplicity and functionality. Its triangular form allows for easy handling and positioning on many different surfaces, while its compact size makes it easy to carry with you anywhere.

Asiko Interval Timer
Addressing the electric elements of the prototype, Asuzu worked closely with Emmanuel Ahanmisi, an embedded systems engineer in Toronto with years of experience developing innovative products in the UK, Nigeria and Canada.

The current science on forming new habits shows that the best way to get habits to stick is to start small and slowly increase your commitment as you get better. The easiest way to start small is by controlling how long you spend on the new habit.

Users can customize intervals tailored to their specific goals, whether it’s studying, exercising, meditating, or practicing mindfulness. In Regular mode, the timer beeps at the end of its countdown—while in Training mode, the timer beeps each time an interval passes.

Industrial Design, Toronto, Designlines

With its sleek design and intuitive interface, the Asiko interval timer seamlessly integrates into daily routines, serving as a gentle reminder and motivator for consistent behaviour.

Like much of the work Asuzu produces for his private design practice Parts Apart Studio, including decor and furniture, the Asiko prototype is held together through its own material properties, aiding the parts to come apart easily. “When you look at most consumer products today, they are very rigid in their designs,” says Asuzu. “With this functionality, the timer can easily be repaired, or swap its face for a new colour.”

Designlines, product design
Asiko’s dimensions measure 120mm x 43mm x 48mm—weighing in at about 155 grams.

Parts Apart has launched a Kickstarter campaign to support the production of the prototype, in hopes of getting the Asiko interval timer into the hands of motivated customers by the end of this year. As it journeys from concept to creation, the prototype not only raises questions about our relationship with technology but celebrates its purpose in fostering mindful productivity and well-being. Those who lend their support to the campaign will have the exclusive privilege of being among the first to experience the refined market-ready version, and potentially inheriting a new healthy habit along the way.

Categories: News

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